'High Adventure' Holiday Programme

Tues 26, Wed 27, Thurs 28 &  Fri 29 Sept

This unique Aladdin-themed holiday programme for primary aged students is brought to you by Stage Door Productions Charitable Trust, together with the generous support of The Whakatane Creative Communities Scheme. 

The holiday programme will run from 10am-3pm on Tues 26, Wed 27, Thurs 28 &  Fri 29 Sept.

As well as having a strong focus on singing, dancing and acting, the programme will also include aspects of art and craft. No matter what project tamariki are engaged in, the emphasis will be on fun! 

Whānau are invited to come along at the end of the day to see a short presentation of what the children have been working on during the week. 

Spaces are limited - SIGN UP NOW!